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Writer's picturehmcgowan

Update #1 April 6

Good Morning Everyone!

I recognize this switch to home based learning has been a challenge for everyone. Last Thursday and Friday I phoned all families, or left a message when I could. It was so great to hear all the wonderful learning opportunities parents and caregivers were providing to students and I can tell everyone is on the right track. I think the important message is that I am here to support you along this new journey of learning, and I look forward to connecting with your child in the most meaningful way. I miss everyone, and I have to tell parents, that when I spoke to every student, I told them how amazing of a job everyone is doing as parents, and all students said "Yeah I know" in the sweetest and most genuine response ever. Maybe you are like me and you are still trying to battle routines or trying to find a way to communicate to your child that doesn't end in eye rolls, but it was clear to me as I phoned students that they know you care and they are thankful for all that you are doing.

I know that parents are wondering what learning will look like this week. Please note that teachers are to be planning at this time and that we are working towards building meaningful learning plans for students in a manageable method. It is essential that teachers take the time to plan meaningful tasks and to evaluate which learning outcomes will be key for students to cover during this time. We are fortunate that we do have access to great online learning sites, and I recommend that parents check out the Government site "Keep Learning BC" for some additional resources at this time.

Parents are also requesting login passwords for students and I am working on this as best as I could. All students have their Mathletics passwords in their planners. I have also previously sent emails out that contained students Typingclub links and class codes. Our email system is changing, and under the current model, there is not really an official way to streamline emails to parents. Please be patient as I will send out bulk emails out as fast as I can. I will be checking with Ms. Willows this week to see if I can place all passwords in student's belongings so they can have them at home.

I am currently building a website that will be for our class and that will also have links to learning. This is unbelievably new to me and I ask for your patience! I spent most of the weekend trying to learn how to use WIX and I am quite excited. It might not be pretty, but I hope it will be functional. I will email you when this up and running, and you will be able to find the link when it is reading on the Nukko Lake homepage, under "Learning Links"

Many parents have asked about Zoom, and at this current time we are not to be using Zoom until we have been given the go ahead at the district level. I have seen Zoom being used in extracurricular activities, and it works best with a group of about 5 or 6 students. It also has some serious privacy issues that the district would like to ensure we can navigate and protect students from. My hope is to use it just so we can connect groups of students on a Social Emotional level.

At the moment I have created all students accounts for Epic- an online reading program. Students can still use their Readworks login, but I have a sneaky suspicion that Epic feels a little more engaging for students. I have not set assignments as I need this week to look through the topics and set reading levels for students. If you would like your student to join, I think it will be great program.

I also will be opening up Mathletics to students, without assignments needing to be completed this week. Students can volunteer to complete tasks, and I will be given all the data, and they will get credit for the work they complete. I will be creating class assignments as soon as I plan the most important learning outcomes to be covered by the end of the year.

I am currently working both from home and school. I am considered Immune Compromised, as I have had pneumonia 4 times in the past 2 years. I am trying to find a balance with going in to school to gather resources, and I am definitely working the full school day. My poor kiddos begin their school day along with me, and it a challenge- my hats off to everyone.

At this time, email is the best way to contact me- I check it every few hours. If you would like a phone call from me, I just ask that you keep my phone number private at this time. Please just email me to arrange a time that I can phone you. I will be setting up more official office hours this week, as it just streamlines my workflow a bit better, and I will be sending that information out to you.

Keep up the amazing work!

Ms. McGowan

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